
【もっと深く茶道の精神を理解したい観光客やMICE、企業研修、セミナーなどの法人利用他、様々な方に向けた一味違う茶道体験】 茶の道や和の心を日常やビジネスシーンに取り入れることで生き方が変わります。500年以上続く日本が誇る茶道・和の精神を日々の生活に取り入れ、ビジネス、プライベート、人生を豊かに過ごすための一助となるプログラムです。

This plan is for those who are junior high school students or older. Those under junior high school age cannot participate in this experience.
本格茶道体験に参加されるグループについて / Regarding the group participating in the tea ceremony
Is the group interested in the tea ceremony primarily for tourism purposes (such as cultural experiences), or is it for business purposes (such as team building)?
法人名(団体名)/ Company name
Please input the name of the company. if there is no company name, please input the name of a representative.
予約代表者様のお名前(漢字またはローマ字)/ representative's name
Please input the representative's name.

予約代表者様のお名前(ふりがな)/ representative's name
Please input the representative's name.
メールアドレス / Email address
性別 / Gender
Please input your gender that you most closely identify with.「Ex : Male, Female, I do not wish to disclose..」
国籍 / Nationality or Region
Ex:「Japan, USA..」 
連絡先(法人、団体)/ Phone number
連絡先(緊急連絡先)/ Phone number( in case of emergency)
Please input the phone number in case of emergency.
ご来店希望日付 / the date in which you wish to visit Yumeyakata
Please input the date in which you wish to visit Yumeyakata.
ご来店希望時間 / the time in which you wish to visit Yumeyakata
女性人数 Number of female participants
男性人数 Number of male participants
合計人数 Number of participants
貸し切りの有無 (※貸切の場合は有料) / would you like to rent tea room just for your group?_copy
着物レンタルの有無 / Would you like to also include kimono rental during your tea ceremony?
If you wish to include kimono rental along with your tea ceremony, please be aware that your visit time will need to be adjusted. We kindly ask that you may be requested to arrive about 1.5~2 hours before the scheduled start of the tea ceremony.

【Guests of 15 or fewer】 Kimono rental plan (Standard kimono rental plan) 4,180yen/person
【Guests of 15 or more】 Kimono rental plan (Standard kimono rental plan) 2,970yen/person

ヘアセットの有無(女性限定) / Would you like to also include Hairstyling(Women only) during your tea ceremony?
If you wish to include Hairestyling along with your tea ceremony, please be aware that your visit time will need to be adjusted. You may be requested to arrive about 2~2.5 hours before the scheduled start of the tea ceremony.
※We kindly ask for your understanding as availability for hair styling may be limited depending on the reservation situation on the day.

【Guests of 15 or fewer】 Hairstyling(Women only) Choosing 1 from 8styles : 1,650yen/person or Choosing 1 from 3styles : 1,100yen/person
【Guests of 15 or more】 Choosing 1 from 3styles : Hairstyling(Women only) 1,100yen/person

希望言語 / language
PLease let us to know your preferred language.
備考欄(その他、オプション希望などあればご記入ください) / Remark
If you have any other requests, please let us know.
参加者全員のお名前 / list of the guests
Ex : Oliver Smith, Olivia Johnson…
何で知りましたか?/ How did you know our store?
その他の方具体的にご記載ください / For "Others," please enter in detail.
DM送付のご希望 / I would like to receive Yumeyakata's newsletters